Search Results for 'Lessons in Space'


38 results for 'Lessons in Space'  

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Superspace: One Thousand and One Lessons in Supersymmetry

Free college physics textbook on superspace and supersymmetry. Contents: 1) Introduction. 2) A Toy Superspace. 3) Representations of Supersymmetry. 4) Classical, global, simple (N = 1) superfields. 5) Classical N = 1 supergravity. 6) Quantum global superfields. 7) Quantum N = 1 supergravity. 8) Breakdown.

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Historical Archaeology in the Twenty-First Century: Lessons from Colonial Williamsburg

Offering an in-depth look at historical archaeology, public history, and reconstruction in Colonial Williamsburg, this volume provides state-of-the-art examples of how the discipline can be used to inform, engage, and educate.

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Honoring Ancestors in Sacred Space: The Archaeology of an Eighteenth-Century African-Bahamian Cemetery

Established by a Black community in the eighteenth century during British colonization of the Bahamas, the Northern Burial Ground of St. Matthew’s Parish was an important expression of the group’s African cultural identity. Analyzing the landscape and artifacts found at the site, Grace Turner shows how the community used this separate space to maintain a sense of social belonging despite the power of white planters and the colonial government. 


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Borderland Narratives: Negotiation and Accommodation in North America’s Contested Spaces, 1500–1850

Broadening the idea of “borderlands” beyond its traditional geographic meaning, this volume features new ways of characterizing the political, cultural, religious, and racial fluidity of early America.


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Decoding the Codex Borgia: Visual Symbols of Time and Space in Ancient Mexico

This book explores the rich symbolism of the Codex Borgia, a masterpiece of Precolumbian art dating to the fifteenth century, showing how the manuscript’s intricate and colorful imagery conveys complex ideas related to Mesoamerican myths and religion.

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A History of the Kennedy Space Center

This inspirational history of KSC explores man’s attempts to conquer the final frontier from Von Braun to the Space Station. With 97 b&w illustrations.

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Fugitive Slaves and Spaces of Freedom in North America

This volume introduces a new way to study the experiences of runaway slaves by defining different “spaces of freedom” that fugitive slaves inhabited. It also provides a groundbreaking continental view of fugitive slave migration, moving beyond the usual regional or national approaches to explore locations in Canada, the U.S. South, Mexico, and the Caribbean.

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Ancient West Mexicos: Time, Space, and Diversity

This volume highlights the diversity and complexity of western Mexico’s pre-Hispanic cultures and argues that the region was more similar than many researchers have believed to the rest of the Mesoamerican world.