Browse by Subject: Florida

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Backcountry Lawman: True Stories from a Florida Game Warden

Most people have never imagined the often dicey, comical, and sometimes bizarre job of a Florida game warden. Lee's fascinating memoir reveals the danger and the humor in the unsung exploits of game wardens.

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Category 5: The 1935 Labor Day Hurricane

A frightening account of the first Category 5 storm to strike the U.S.

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Native Florida Plants for Shady Landscapes

Sit in the shade and enjoy colorful foliage. Craig Huegel discusses the many variables and complexities of shade gardening in Florida.

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Attracting Hummingbirds and Butterflies in Tropical Florida: A Companion for Gardeners

In this authoritative and friendly guide, Roger Hammer shares more than thirty years' experience tempting butterflies and hummingbirds into tropical Florida's gardens.

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Africa in Florida: Five Hundred Years of African Presence in the Sunshine State

This collection of essays and art explores how Florida both shapes and is shaped by the multiple African diasporas that move through it.

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The Failure of Term Limits in Florida

A tour de force examination of the unintended and surprising consequences of the new incumbency advantage in the Sunshine State.

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Making Sense of Marshall Ledbetter: The Dark Side of Political Protest

Marshall Ledbetter's invasion of the Florida State Capitol is forever remembered as the biggest security breach of the building's history.

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Conservative Hurricane: How Jeb Bush Remade Florida

Delves into the maelstrom of Florida politics where Bush rose to power to become an unstoppable force in state and national politics.

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Florida Animals for Everyday Naturalists

Contains everything you want to know about Florida's furry, feathered, scaled, and shelled friends. With lively personal essays and stunning photographs, Larry Allan introduces you to the array of wildlife you might encounter in your backyard, at the park, or on a jaunt at one of the state’s many wildlife refuges.

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Recalling Deeds Immortal: Florida Monuments to the Civil War

Looks at the diversity of Civil War monuments built in Florida between Reconstruction and the present day, elucidating their emblematic and social dimensions.