Caribbean Crossroads: Race, Identity, and Freedom Struggles

Edited by Lillian Guerra, Devyn Spence Benson, April Mayes, and Solsiree del Moral

Series Description:

More than any other region of the Americas, the Caribbean has been continuously defined by the push and pull between global white supremacy and Black liberation, colonial and anticolonial impulses, and the struggle for freedom against externally imposed economies and political systems. This series proposes to focus on these varied and contradictory histories of the region with a particular focus on Cuba, Puerto Rico, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and their transnational ties. Importantly, books will explore the Caribbean as a racialized space and will not be afraid to name the ways whiteness and Blackness work in the region. We are dedicated to publishing projects based on fieldwork in Caribbean libraries, archives, homes, and streets that reflect local “Caribbean from within” experiences and viewpoints. Thus, books about Caribbean history, broadly defined, which may include some literature and anthropology, are welcome. 

For more Information:

Lillian Guerra
Professor, University of Florida

Devyn Spence Benson
Associate Professor, University of Kentucky

April Mayes
Professor, Pomona College

Solsiree del Moral
Professor, Amherst College

There is 1 book in this series.

Please note that while you may order forthcoming books at any time, they will not be available for shipment until shortly before publication date

Book Cover

Black Freedom and Education in Nineteenth-Century Cuba

In this book, Raquel Otheguy argues that Afro-descended teachers and activists were central to the development of a national education system in Cuba and influenced the trajectory of public school systems in the broader Americas.